Economist from the National University of Piura with Master's studies in Public Management from the International University of Andalusia - Ibero-American Campus Santa María de la Rábida. Diploma in International Cooperation from the Complutense University of Madrid: "Effectiveness of Aid and New Modalities of Development Cooperation".


He was Head of the International Technical Cooperation Office of the Piura Regional Government from 2009 to 2010, from 2012 to 2014, from 2019 to 2022, and from 2023 to February 2024.


Manager of more than 120 agreements with international cooperation agencies for the execution of more than 150 sustainable development projects at regional and national level

Promoter of the Cooperation Agreements with the Governments of the State of Utah, Washington, Oklahoma, Maryland and with the Autonomous Governments of Extremadura and Navarra

Advisor to the National Secretariat for Economic Development of the Network of Urban and Rural Municipalities of Peru (Remurpe). Advisor on Economic Development and International Relations of the District Municipality of La Arena. Advisor on Economic Development and International Relations of the Señor Cautivo de Ayabaca Municipal Association. Advisor on International Cooperation Management at the Provincial Municipality of Sullana. General Coordinator of the Citizen Institute in Piura – Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Foundation.

Specialist in International Cooperation and International Relations


Professional in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality from the Universidad Científica del Sur.


Experience in organizing and coordinating humanitarian aid activities and projects in rural communities.

Experience in organizing and directing International Internship and Volunteer Programs.


Experience in digital marketing and social media management (Community Manager).


Master in Project Management from the University of Piura (UDEP), Master in Business Administration from the National University of Piura (UNP) and Certified Public Accountant from the same university.

Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (USA), IPMA – D Certificate from the International Project Management Association (Holland).



Más de 15 años de experiencia como consultor, profesor y conferencista de dirección de proyectos, planeamiento estratégico, emprendimiento e innovación, desarrollo internacional y habilidades directivas. Actualmente es Gerente General de Corporación Sabores Peruanos S.A.C. y consultor en Dirección de Empresas y Proyectos en Südamerika Consulting Group.

Member of the Project Management Institute Lima Peru Chapter and North Peru Chapter.


Medical Surgeon from the Université Pierre et Marie (France).
Master in Public Health with a mention in Hospital Management from the National University of Piura.
PhD in Health Sciences.
CEO and Founder of the National Institute of the Abdomen – INA.
Principal Coach and Founder of the Center for Studies for the Prevention and Correction of Abdominal Diseases – CEPCEA Training Center.



Laparoscopic surgeon from Piura with more than 26 years of experience, trained in the innovative French school, dedicated to teaching good practices and new techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery.
Researcher and innovator of hernia and eventration techniques, under open and laparoscopic surgery. Speaker at different national and international conferences.
Active member of SAGES – USA.
Active member of the French Society of Surgery.
Active member of the Peruvian Society of Surgery.
Active member of ALACE.
Corresponding member of the Peruvian Academy of Surgery.
Active member of the Peruvian Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery.
Active member of the Peruvian Hernia Association.